Wednesday 23 November 2011

Did you know that Mexican people don't believe in pandas? No? Neither did I. It's amazing what you learn during a night on duty (what a horribly formal term in these more cosy days of pastoral care) in Newton. Anyway, you do now. So if you should happen to be going to Acapulco or the like, at least you'll be saved the trouble of packing any bamboo shoots.

As you will have seen from the newsflash below, the Newton Twitter account has reopened, having descended from its perch rather seriously in its previous incarnation. (OK, Mr D, I know you're reading this, and I confess that that's your line, but you should be flattered that I'm using it.) If it works more comprehensively this time then you might pick up one or two titbits from time to time, but that means that I have to remember that we actually do have a Twitter account and that it needs to be updating. Oh well, if there's nothing on the NN account you can always read Stephen Fry's fascinating life details. ('Just having cup of Earl Grey tea', etc.)

I was reminiscing with some of the rezzies tonight about how my director of music at Kingswood School suffixed everything he said with 'So there we are, so to speak, as it were, through there'. I could appreciate most of that, but what on earth did he mean by 'through there'? 'Now Cheater, I want that essay by tomorrow at the latest. So there we are, so to speak, as it were, through there.' Don't quite know why I'm sharing that with you, or the LMs, but I suppose when you get older you do start wittering on about former days. At least I don't mention the war.

As for tonight, well, all very pleasant, with jammy dodgers, custard creams, apple juice and a barrowload of fruit, accompanied by an episode of Top Gear in which the trio tried out a number of electric cars. They didn't impress, and I won't be buying one. At least, not one that's about the size of a Mini and costs the earth.

Exams are nearly over bar the shouting, not that we do any of that any more, and tomorrow will be quite an interesting evening, I expect. I hope Mr Bryan will enjoy it. I know he can cope.


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