Monday 31 October 2011

So there we are, then. Another Long Leave has come and gone, and I hope you all enjoyed yours as much as Mrs C and I enjoyed ours. Our Dorset domain proved to be the haven that it always is, and it was unusual to have the place to ourselves, all young being engaged in frenetic social activity elsewhere.

Tonight being Hallowe'en, we were expecting a whole load of tricks and not that many treats, but, in the event, all went very well, with packets of Monster Munch featuring as the star attraction, accompanied by some rather weird and ghoul-like figures prancing about and making fools of themselves. No, that wasn't Kingfisher dorm, it was X-Factor, that celebrated source of early evening culture and musical harmony. In the end I could stand no more, and switched over to an edition of Top Gear on Dave, which seemed much more erudite, with Clarkson's majestic use of the simile and metaphor, so useful in English lessons.

'twas interesting to learn of the various activities that you and your young have enjoyed in the past week, from exciting theatre visits to concerts, to lovely meals to just simply chillin'. It sounds as if everyone has had a lovely time, which is good to know. It sounds as if a fair bit of reading went on, and my book of choice was 'The House in France', by Gully Wells, which I read avidly. Being the creep I am, I sent a message to her to express my appreciation of a supremely written work - and tonight, to my enormous delight, I received an e-mailed reply from New York, which has made my evening. Do read it: broad-minded parents that you are. (You can always skip the naughty bits.)

Now, of course, we have the lead-up to exams, but I didn't say anything about that tonight; I just wished them a fond goodnight and told them that it was nice to have them back again.

I heard that. What cynics ...... !


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