Monday 10 October 2011

Another tremendous Newtonian evening, complete with a headmagisterial tour of inspection! And I know that Our Leader tunes in to this blog, so, sir, thank you for coming, and for making the evening such fun!

'twas shoe cleaning night, of course, and our guest of honour executed the judging thereof with all the skill of the professional diplomat, congratulating those who had won and making exactly the right noises to those who had not been so successful. (Sorry, brief pause, as I had to go and get mildly irritated' with Osprey, who seemed not to have noticed that their lights had been turned out. They're very quiet now.)

Apple juice was on offer tonight, as were what my brother and I used to call 'dog biscuits', which, I believe, are known as those packeted 'shortbread' things. You know, the ones that look like, well, dog biscuits. The HM had at least two, I noticed, and, unless my ears were deceiving me, then requested a third .... ! (Mrs C was watching me, with a menacing glint in her eye, lest I should get any big ideas.)

One incident did amuse me tonight, and that was the moment when Mrs C and Miss Alex gacve their evening final call for pants and socks to be handed in, and one of our member rushed down the stairs, waving the aforementioned garments in the air, calling 'Sir! Sir! Wait for meeeee ....!'
As I said to him, it was rather like the exact opposite of a scene from a film where one person is waving a handkerchief as a loved one sets sail for the other side of the world! A slowmo replay would be very funny indeed - but unfortunately, I didn't have my camera to hand. (And probably just as well, too. 'Er, well, your Honour, it was pants and socks, you see ..... ')

I must go. Last night's episode of 'Spooks' is calling.


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