Wednesday 19 October 2011

Let's hope that I manage to keep this post without it disappearing into the ether, as the last one did!

It's been a a very pleasant and agreeable evening, with all guernseys having been gathered in from various corners of the school, and with the postponed sweet rations having been earned, following much sensible and mature behaviour since my little, er, advisory talk. They've all been good after lights out, and their natural bonhomie and sense of fun has certainly not deserted them. We've had many a laugh in the last few nights (although last night Mrs C and I were at a dinner in Dorset, so we weren't around), with great jokes and lots of entertaining riddles!

The zenith of our re-connection was the moment when, as I turned out the lights in one particular dorm, I was asked whether I have enjoyed every moment of my teaching career. I replied that I have indeed, and I wouldn't have changed anything. In fact, over the past 38 years and half a term, even the bad times have been good. Oh dear, I seem to be journeying back to cliche-land, for which many apologies, but you know what I mean. And of course, as teachers, we never stop learning. I've often thought that we learn much more from our pupils than they do from us.

As for the French snail and the Ferrari, well, in brief, M. Snail goes into garage to buy Ferrari. Salesman is surprised, but Snail has cash, so no problem. Snail asks for a big S to be painted on each of the doors. Why? asks salesman.

'Because as I whizz past ze uzzer cars, I want zem to say 'Mon dieu! Look at zat S car go!'


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