Monday 9 May 2011

The perfect Newtonian evening. The Boys' Garden is now well and truly open, with table tennis a-plenty being played by begowned LMs (dressing gowns, that is: don't get alarmed), Krispy Kreme donuts kindly and generously supplied in honour of a LM's birthday today, for which very many thanks will, I hope, be accepted via this particular medium; the Royal Wedding, part 2, being shown in the snug for the royalists (supervised by Miss Alex ....!) fruit of all kinds, and everything in the garden - and everywhere else - was rosy. Slight jitters because it's Eton-test Eve, but there was so much going on that the happiness factor was adjudged to be at top levels. (Dr Seldon at Wellington would be very pleased.) Indeed, our birthday boy put his own h.f. at ten!

I'm trying to think of other news to impart, but honestly, I can't; it's just been one of those great summer term days today, reminding me of my own halcyon prep school days in the 60s. Great days, they were, with the HM's fizzy pop stall by the outdoor pool, with the croquet lawn just behind and the padder courts just to the right. He had a 'mo-tent', and if we were in the 5th Year we were allowed to camp within same, or in the summer house. None of those horrid guy-ropes, or flappy sides. Yes, I know, we were spoilt. Mind you, history tests with the terrifying Mr Burton made up for all that! And talking of such things, I read in the latest copy of my school magazine that he's still going strong!

Happy days indeed. Just as today, 50 years on.


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