Tuesday 10 May 2011

Havng one's haircut would seem a relatively straightforward affair, would you not think? Well, think again. I entered the hairdresser's, delighted to find the place almost empty, which meant that a long wait could be averted. A young lady, who was not entirely uneasy on the eye appeared from behind a curtain and covered me in various bits and pieces, with a touch that I felt to be just that tiny bit more than I was expecting. A report of this event, of course, lends itself tremendously to full innuendo, but this is, as I've said before, a family blog, so I will refrain from the overwhelming urge to do so.

Having cloaked me in black towels, the young lady disappeared, where to I know not. She then transformed herself into a somewhat larger and older version, and returned to cut off my silver locks. Clearly, she was unhappy with her colleague next door, whose ability to ameliorate her locqaciousness was second to almost none - although I suspect one or two of the more high-octane members of SF could wage a fair battle. Anyway, to cut a long story short (!) I felt my lady barber pulling on my greying strands just that little bit excessively, but I was extremely brave and refused to grimace.

Enough of all that. It being Tuesday, some friends of ours arrived, and within a few minutes the ladies were engaging in their customary banter and the gentlemen made for Summertown, where we were able to lunch in an appropriate manner at Portabello. (It was heartening to see the owner of that fine establishment (who, incidentally, owns Pizzaria Mama Mia as well) tucking in to his own fine fodder.) Eventually we rolled back into Newton, replete, as my mama would say, and having enjoyed a good sufficiency. If you haven't been there recently, I recommend it.

Meanwhile, of course, the Eton list test boys were enjoying delights of their own, and I have no doubt that you will have caught up with your offspring at some stage this evening, or by e-mail. I have left Mr Bryan to look after the proceedings tonight, but I shall make sure that I get a full run-down from all the LMs who attended, tomorrow morning.

So there we are. Not really much Newtonian news, was there, but contact made, nevertheless.


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