Sunday 8 May 2011

It makes you think, doesn't it, when accidents happen. The Lady of the House (Mrs C, lest you should be wondering) tripped today, in the changing rooom, on a wet floor. She fell backwards, and damaged her foot rather unpleasantly. I must confess that such was here discomfort at one stage that I thought a J.R. dash might be necessary, but thanks to the expert guidance of the medical staff here, ice packs were found and applied, the aforementioned part of the anatomy was raised on two cushions, and Ibuprofen was administered by the spouse. Sounds like an episode from Casulaty, does it not?! It would be very tempting to write 'I found myself in my element' at this stage, frustrated medic that I never became, but (a) I wasn't, and (b) I don't think, if SWMBO ever read this post, that it would work in my favour.

Still, whatever precautions were taken seem to have worked, for la bonne dame femme is now back on two feet, and things appear to be well.

A large number of Newtonians watched the Royal Wedding in our snug tonight (no, you know what I mean; that's as bad as Mr Pearce saying (as he did) 'I dunno, you prepare the Eton scholars for 'biro-making in Ukraine' or 'Firefighting in Uganda', and what comes up? 'Nuclear Submarines'. Oh come on, it's not even midnight yet.)) as they don't seem to have been treated to the regal nuptuals while in France. They seemed to enjoy it all, which was good.

Supper in the HM's drawing room, by invitation, was a very pleasant affair, and a jolly time was had, and that reminds me to extend an apology to Our Leader, who was discomfited by my reference to the headmagisterial specs. They haven't been in evidence this term, and that, it seems, is a result of the power of the Newton Blog. So, sir, please accept my apologies, and be assured that, actually, I thought they added no uncertain amount of gravitas. (I used to go out with an optician's daughter once: called it off, because after two glasses she made a spectacle of herself.)

LOL - as Our Leader would put it.

Goodnight - until tomorrow night. (If I'm still here.)

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