Thursday 17 June 2010

Well, my dear Follower(s), all are safely gathered in once again, and all the CE boys are into the usual array of fine schools. I am sure there will be much celebration tonight - and tomorrow night, and on Saturday, too, in some cases. We are all thrilled, of course, although the nearest Mrs C and I have come to a knees-up in the successees' honour is a glass of orange juice in the Newton garden after lights out. Still, we can make up for that tomorrow ......

It's fascinating what you hear here, you know. This morning, as I walked along the lower corridor of this lodge, I overheard two residents conversing in the showers.

"I wonder if you can become a shower therapist?" was the enquiry that wafted out of the bathroom. I have to say that I didn't recognise the voice, and I thought it wise not to enquire, but I must confess that I've spent one or two moments during today wondering what, exactly, a 'shower therapist' might actually do!

Tonight was calm and contented: another superb evening, and a fine harvest to boot.

See you tomorrow - and if anyone fancies a fandango they'd better make sure it's well past the bewitching hour. You might want to employ the services of one of the above-named professionals after that.

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