Sunday 6 June 2010

Spelbound: that was what they were called. And yes, they do spel it with one L. So if you should happen upon a troupe of greased up, semi-clad, fake-tanned acrobats, at least you'll know how to spel their name. Ok, yes, they are very good. (If you like that sort of thing.)

It's been a good day today, with Fifth Years preparing for the challenges of the coming week. Staff versus Fathers cricket proved a pleasant enough distraction for those of us who didn't wish to show off too much, and I was able to stride imperiously and managerially around the place in my exalted, executive position. (Senior Master, for those of you who didn't know. And no, I do not hold that position simply because, as my mother kindly suggested, I happen to be the oldest member of staff. Actually, on that theme, I heard it said by someone the other day that the Stannah stairlift company were developing a high-speed stair chair - so that people who used it were able to remember what they went up the stairs for in the first place.) (No, not original. I probably heard it on 'Britain's Got Max Factor', or something similar.) (There do seem to be rather a lot of parentheses tonight.) (In my opinion.)

Tonight's viewing options, for those who did not wish to avail themselves of ping-pong (and I see from the DT that the game is making a come-back, which is nice),were 'Soccer Aid', which was moderately enticing if you happen to have a penchant for watching celebrities strutting their stuff - or in Gordon Ramsay's case ..... - no, better not go there -, or watching James May, Ruchard Hammond and J. Clarkson travelling around Vietnam on diminutive motorbikes. Club biscuits and a load of fruit helped to take the pain away. (No names.) (Ho ho.)

Here;s hoping for a successful week.

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