Wednesday 23 June 2010

No, I really am still here - and my apologies to all FFs who've been so kind as to say they've missed my geriatric perorations.

What a weekend that was! The Ball on Friday, Sports Day on Saturday and then Old Boys' Farewell to the BTs Day on Sunday! I don't know about you, but I thought the whole whirl was whonderful,and it was great to catch up with so many familiar faces from yesteryear. A double delight since then has been to 're-connect' with some with whom I'd lost contact over the years.

Further apologies are due to those who had to forego the fandango at The Ball. Apparently, I was surrounded by a bevy of gorgeous under-matrons and was revelling in being photographed with the same. I vaguely recall straying from the extendable uxorial leash for a moment or two, but being yanked back into my more normal state of acquiesence before too many faux-pas had been committed. But if I may be so forward as to say so, there were many yummy-mummies who looked a million dollars, whose foregone fandangi were a personal loss. Oh the scope for innuendo and euphemism ..... Better not, though. Not on this family blog.

Report writing is in full swing, and I've already typed about a billion words. For the moment, though, I'm still reeling from the weekend, and and intend to thoroughly enjoy - sorry, thoroughly to enjoy - the last few weeks of the year.

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