Wednesday 16 June 2010

"So, how was your day then, Daddy?" enquired my eldest, as I returned from extinguishing the lights.

"Wonderful, thank you, darling," replied I. It has indeed been a tremendous day. It started with two post-exam lessons with the 5th Years, in which we endeavoured to identify the figurative language employed by Jeremy Clarkson in a motoring video: he being the master of the metaphor and the singular supremo of the simile, not to mention the hexpert of hyperbole. (Yes, contrived, I know.) This was followed by a time of exam-marking and then a period of exam-invigilation, and thence to luncheon, which was superb. A most delightful game of cricket on the farthest fields ensued, in which the Third Years featured with a predominance of our French cousins, who proved that they can play 'our' game with rather greater distinction que les anglais! Tonight saw me enjoying un verre de vin with some of my greatest friends on the staff, after which Mrs C and I retired to Mr and Mrs Laggers' garden for further refreshment and conversation, before returning to our lovely lodge to look after your wonderful sons and heirs. They were all on top form, and both Mrs C and I appreciated, not for the first time, just how fortunate we are to be here.

'Silent' reading was enhanced by the arrival of Jasmine, our tabby 'rescue' cat, who caused many an 'ah' and 'ooh', and was greatly appreciated, as she lay supine on one or two beds, disciovering just what she had been missing.

As strolled back in the sunset from chez Laggers this evening, I stopped to pass the time of evening with a 5th Year boy and opined that one's prep school days really are the best days of one's life - unless one is fortunate enough to return to them, and enjoy life from the other side.

I think I really am getting very, very old.

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