Monday 9 November 2009

When men strive together one with another, and the wife of the one draweth near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smiteth him, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by the secrets: then thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eye shall not pity her.

Er, yes. Quite. Now why on Earth, you may be asking, would I want to start today's blog entry with that?! Oh, and just in case any of you should be suffering from amnesia this morning and cannot recall exactly where that quotation is from, it's Deuteronomy 11, 25.

Euphemisms, that's why. And if I tell you that I availed myself of the opportunity to inform the Newtonians that they were somewhat on the rowdy side on Saturday night, you may be beginning to see 'where I am coming from'. And where I was coming from at that particular time was out of my drawing room door, halfway through last week's edition of' Casualty! Not good; no, not good at all. I was not pleased. (Another euphemism.) Off I went again, Basil Fawlty all over, "Right, that's it. If you can't stop making all this ridiculous noise , etc, etc." You know the sort of stuff. The lodge members silently made their way to their dorms, some wearing somewhat indignant looks as they considered that they were not party to the rowdiness, but decided that saying anything at that stage would not be wise, as their indignant gazes met my rather more thunderous one! And you can guess the cause of all of that, of course. Yes, that's right: that something X something Factor! I tell you, if I ever meet up with something Jedward, or something Danyl, Deuteronomy will have given me some particularly helpful advice!

Anyway, enough of my ranting. Last night was a much happier affair, and we were all able to consume the delicious and delightful contribution of a kind Mummy, who had supplied us all with the most scrummy 'Rocky Road'! It was superb - and quickly devoured! Thank you very much!

H'm. 'Rocky Road'. How apposite. Let's hope that this week will bring a smoother path, and not one that might be akin to that traversed by the Ice Road Truckers ...... !

Happy Monday.

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