Sunday 22 November 2009

Saucepans one day: pots and kettles the next. But I'll come to those in a moment.

First, though, it's 'Stir-up' Sunday, as I'm sure those followers who were in their local churches this morning will already know. I'm feeling particularly virtuous, as I've just returned from playing the organ for not one, but two services down here in our little corner of West Dorset, and I was rather struck in the second one by the phrase 'enthusiastic apathy' - although as I was preparing the stops for the final hymn at the time, I fear that the relevance of the phrase passed me by.

To pots and kettles. Last night, Mrs C and I found ourselves watching 'Strictly Come Dancing'. Of course, he says quickly, we don't usually follow such MVPs, or Mass Viewing Programmes, but my dear wife has a thing about the BBC sports reporter, Chris Hollins, so no chance of escape. However, it was not he whom we were watching, but some other female dancer, whose name eludes me.

"She doesn't look very good, does she?" enquired my better half. I looked up from the paper and opined, rather unkindly, perhaps, that such dancing ability reminded me of a great wallowing hippopotamus.

"You can talk," was the razor-sharp rejoinder.

See you tonight.

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