Saturday 14 November 2009

I went to a school debate tonight, It was all about celebrities and how the whole nation is being adversely affected by the obsession with celebrity status. Fascinating, it was, on the whole, and I have to confess that when I was about 18 - and a lot more innocent than I am now - I wanted to be Elton John. Despite my best efforts, and trying to copy his chords on the piano, I failed miserably, of course, although frankly, there were certain aspects of his persona that were to come to light later that ensured that his path and mine went along separate tracks .... !

Perhaps, I thought to myself after the debate, I didn't really understand this celeb thing, and perhaps I was being a little harsh in being so dismissive of X Factor. Beseeched as I was by my two daughters to come and join them in order to listen to Mr Cowell, I found myself listening to him telling the nation that Sting had referred to such wannabes as may be found on our screens on a Saturday night as - and I quote - 'Karaoke no-hopers'. How unfair, I thought. What a horrid man. Even more cantankerous than your correspondent on a bad night.

And then I listened to Jamie singing. I use the word somewhat euphemistically - and we know about euphemisms. Mr Sting, I think, may have a point.

And I'm off to watch Casulaty. See? I still can't spell it!

I have now finished my weekly viewing of Casulaty (no, can't do it) and watched a programme called 'The Impressions Show', which followed it. One of the sections of the programme involved a person on X Factor, in front of 'S Cowell, Esq', emitting unmentionable emissions into a didgerydoo.

And to think that I used to think that impressionists were people who poked fun at people .......

Casualty x 3. Casualty casualty casualty. You have NO idea how long that took!

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