Wednesday 11 November 2009

I know I'm the arch-sentimentalist of all time, but I really nearly became more than just a bit dewy-eyed tonight. A couple of weeks ago, there had been an 'incident'. It was, in fact, nothing to do with Newton, but, for reasons into which I won't go into just here, it was 'related'.

"You know, X," I said, " I was really disappointed with what happened a couple of weeks ago."

"Yes, sir, I know you were."

"Will you promise me - absolutely promise me - that nothing like that will ever happen again?"

"Yes, sir. I promise."

And so saying, the person involved (I do hate the word 'culprit') looked up at me and, without a moment's hesitation, gave me an enormous hug.

Another moment from last night for you to savour:

"Sir! A 'Now wash your hands sign has fallen into the vins!"

"Ah. Now what would you like me to do about that, then? Would you like to extract it?"

"Er, no thank you, sir. I think I'll leave that to you."

"Thank you, X. How kind."

I invited my informant to request the pleasure of the Nutenobergrupenfuhrererine, as her success-rate with such things is rather better than mine.

"Er, Diana, it seems that a sign has fallen into the vins."

I waited for the most apposite of ripostes. (I do like the word 'apposite'.)

"Oh, that, Yes, those notices keep falling off, don't they?"

Yes. Of course they do.

Don't they?

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