Tuesday 17 November 2009

Well, lordy. Ah feel real proud tonight! Proud of what I've just seen in Macmillan, yes, but much, much more proud of all the boys who made sure that tonight's performance of 'Tom Sawyer' was as good as it gets. I couldn't have asked for more from the whole cast, and I couldn't have asked for a more appreciative audience, either; boys, parents, or colleagues. Events like tonight make me realise just how fortunate Diana and I are to live and work here at Summer Fields, to be able to enjoy the level of competence of the boys in our charge and our care, to work with such supportive colleagues and dear friends, and to have the genuine support of the parents with whose sons we are entrusted. Notwithstanding the kind of differences that any family might experience, there really is a 'Summer Fields family', as Mr BT often says. We are very, very fortunate - and I couldn't have asked for more from anyone tonight.

And, dear friends, I am now, not to put too fine a point on it, knackered. I'm going downstairs to watch 'Holby', which Tom very kindly recorded for us - and just in case you're thinking that that's a pretty sad thing to be doing, the producer, Diana Kyle, and I are on e-mailing terms - and I was hoping that she might be in the audience tonight or tomorrow: we'll see!

Did you know that I was once approached by the intelligence services? I wouldn't be telling you that if I'd signed the Official Secrets Act - but that story can wait until another time.

Until tomorrow.

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