Monday 6 June 2011

Tonight's headline news is that we've had a missing teddy alert. Fortunately, lest any of you should be worried, all is well, and he's been relocated, having, it seems, been used as a guided missile to capture red gunge that was attached to the ceiling. (Don't ask.) The troops were summoned, missing sweet rations was suggested as a possible punitive measure if Teddy did not resurface, and, lo and behold, there he was, beaming at the bounty hunters from behind one of the beds. Problem solved, and Teddy was happily reunited with his owner.

Table tennis in the Boys' Garden has been a principal feature tonight, as has brown shoe-cleaning, even for him who informed me that he didn't really think he would win, as he has only one brown shoe at the moment. (He didn't.)

Jammy dodgers and 'pink biscuits' have been on offer, as have fruit and orange squash, all of which seem to have gone down well.

Lest this post should be being read by the parents of the one who is unwell and away at the moment, please know that we are all thinking of him, and a card from all of us is on its way. Please give him our love and best wishes when you see him, and we all hope he will get well soon.

Great excitement was evident at lunchtime today, as a famous footballer appeared, in the guise of a prospective parent! Because of the 'no names' policy on this blog, I can't reveal his name, but suffice it to say that the gaggle of fans waiting outside the dining room, bits of paper and writing instruments in hand, were very, very excited. To their delight, he signed every one of them, and couldn't have been more charming about it. (They'll tell you who it was.) When they came out to games, they were all clutching their signed scraps of exercise book, but, strangely, when I offered to sign on the back of said scraps, there weren't very many takers. (Two, though - which I thought was pretty good going.)

That's enough excitement for one day: tomorrow I'm off to London town to reconnect with another of my tutees from the 80s. There are positive aspects to getting old(er) ........


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