Tuesday 7 June 2011

'But it's Tuesday, sir; isn't Mr Bryan supposed to be looking after us?' Thus began my evening, and the answer, of course, is yes, but he's playing cricket for the Black Hole Cricket Club tonight (the staff team, less you should be wondering, and 'Black Hole' orginates from the fact that the previous staff room was dimunitive and, orginally, windowless. The new one, of course, is ..... erm, well, perhaps I should stop there. It is bigger, that I grant you, and it does have a pretty good coffee machine) and so Mrs C and I have been on duty.

And a pleasure it has been, too. Card-signing was the order of the night, and all the other normal Newtonian attractions were on offer, too. I was thinking tonight what a lovely group of boys they are, and how much we shall miss them when they move into one of the senior lodges. They really are delightful.

As you will know from last night's post, I reconnected with a tutee of mine from the 80s, and we were able to stroll down Memory Lane over a particularly fine lunch at a place in St James' Street called 'Brasserie St Jacques'. I expect some of you will know it, and probably dine there daily, but for the likes of mere mortals like me it was a real treat. The steak I had was superb, as was the smoked salmon starter, and le chocolat fondant (accompanied, of course, by a fine dessert wine) was, as they say, to die for. I suppose that's what is meant by 'death by chocolate'. The wine list seemed to fall into my hands, for some reason, and I think I managed to acquit myself reasonably well with my selection. If you haven't tried the place, I do recommend it.

I had hoped to connect with my son and heir and his stunning liaisonne, but despite my best efforts he managed to show me that he is 'un frite du vieux bloc' by responding to my text inviting him to join me for a coffee at Paddington Station in telling me that, at 4.15pm, he was 'at lunch'. Not to worry, though, as they will be here tomorrow, prior to making their way to Dorset for a few days. You have all that to look forward to: 'Dad, can we use the house for a couple of days ..... oh, erm, and, er, can I borrow the car?' Yes to both, of course, with strict guidelines about use of same. And the house had better be spotless when Mrs C and I get there, or there'll be trouble!

A fun day, and a lovely evening.


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