Sunday 5 June 2011

Good evening, all, from a rather inclement-looking location, amid the dreaming spires. Well, actually, we're not really 'amid' the said spires, but you know what I mean.

First, an apology. A correspondent has informed me of the inaccuracy of my sports reporting, and I said that I would incorporate the correct version herewithin tonight, thus:

'For the record, the Colts As won today's match by 7 wickets, with 11 balls to spare'.

So now you know. Anyway, whatever the case, my congratulations were none the less sincere.

Today has been a day in which I have been privileged to witness startling excellence from some of my colleagues, first in the form of a quite splendid sermon from Mr Nicholl, which gave rise to a burst of well-deserved spontaneous applause thereafter, and this afternoon I umpired (for part of the afternoon (although the brevity of my appearance was not exactly viewed as the zenith of my sporting career at this establishment by O.L.)) and was able to enjoy some quite superb cricket from a frighteningly large number of my colleagues, including O.L. himself. (I am trying.) I'm delighted to tell you that under the umpirage of the director of music (who earned himself a mention in despatches for longevity of service), the staff won the match against the fathers. I am not going to try and relay the score, as my erratic reporting will no doubt cause further letters to the editor of this blog.

A headmaster I once worked for in the 1980s who opined that it didn't matter what skill, talent or ability it was that he saw or heard, he would enjoy it if it was done well. He was right, of course, and today I have seen some genuinely excellent performances, from those of the boys in the splendid strings concert, to their preceptors on the sports field.

Until tomorrow, then,


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