Saturday 4 June 2011

Camping. Not quite what Mrs C and I imagine camping to be, when we pitch our ridge tent on the banks of the Dordogne, with a wobbly gas stove and a billy can. Still, I don't doubt that Bradders' camping party is proving to be great fun, and I expect most of the venison (which, I learnt from a headmaster's wife once, should be pronounced 'venson') will have gone by now, as will most of the vino, inter alia.

As for those of us back at the coalface, all is well, with 'Zulu' proving to be quite a hit, and Smarties being viewed as an added bonus. It's surprising how dated the film looks now, having been the smash hit that it was when it was released, but that's just further evidence (as if any were needed) of my advancing years.

Many congratulations arew due to the Colts As, who won their match by one run, I hear, which is great news. As for my less high-profile Cs, we enjoyed a practice match, umpired by Mr Bush and me (yes (yawn), that is the right pronoun) and there was much to enjoy as the overs passed. Some stylish batting, a fair smattering of fine and accurate bowling, and moments of excellent fielding. Others may mock, but there's some quality stuff going on on pitch 6.

Daughter Hannah (she of driving test success) continued to display her several talents by creating a fine risotto tonight. Not sure why I'm telling you that, but it seemed relevant when I started writing the sentence. Perhaps I was thinking of the campers chomping on their venson and quaffing a glass or three of Ch. Ducasse '82.

What do you mean I'm just jealous? (That's a horrid one to punctuate, you know, because really there ought to be a comma, or a semi-colon, or even a colon, after 'mean'. And probably 'I'm just jealous' ought to be punctuated accordingly, too. Oh well, never mind: you know what I mean.)

What do you mean: 'I'm just jealous'? No, too pedantic. Although, now I come to look at it ......

Too intense. (Ha! In tents!)


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