Tuesday 5 October 2010

It's all quiet here. Mrs C and I have just had our weekly medical fix - 'Holby City', I mean, lest any of you should be getting concerned. Oh get real: at our age .... ? after a thoroughly enjoyable half day. The Admirable Mr Bryan has been steering the good ship Newton through relatively calm seas and, other than a few thumps and bangs from above, no doubt as a result of considerable exuberance at the computer console rather than anything else, it's been a very peaceful evening. At least, that is, until he informs me of any major catastrophes when he sees me tomorrow morning.

Talking of things going bump in the night, we heard 'goings-on' going on in Curlew last night. Being the conscientious lodgeparents we are (yes, honestly; don't believe everything you hear) Mrs C went to investigate. There, in the corner of the room, was a group of residents, adulating the dog. Two of them had replaced their duvets on the floor, presumably to make room for Isla to enjoy a good night's sleep on a bed other than her own. The various parties were dispatched to their respective nocturnal habitats and that, dear Followers, was the end of that little escapade.

Greetings, by the way, to new blogfellows deep in a little hamlet in south-west France, where, according to that wonderful cyberspatial medium known as Skype, it's been sunny and glorious all day.

As for stat news, well, today this corner of cyberspace has attracted no less than 30 'pageviews', and I think I mentioned before that we have a follower in Vietnam! Greetings to you, sir/madam. And, of course, renewed greetings to our Ugandan connection, who I see from my stats info has continued to be a supportive Follower.

So yes, there we are, then. Difficult to report on a Newtonian evening of which neither Mrs C nor I have been a part, but good of you to read this far. And on that note, I will bid you a peaceful goodnight.

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