Tuesday 19 October 2010

Good whatever it is, wherever you are - and thank you for tuning in once again, especially our new Follower in Slovenia! (Madam/sir, should you ever be in the UK, may I suggest that you make for Richmond? A fine place on the outskirts of our capital city.)

My info feed is telling me that 'image uploads will be disabled for two hours', which is not a problem to me, as I never post any images. I have to say, though, that if I did, you'd raise a happy smile when you saw an image of your LMs all congregated in the laundry, on their knees, not because they'd joined some bizarre religious cult (actually, it wouldn't be all that bizarre, I suppose, if they were on their knees), but as a result of their cleaning their shoes. (I can never remember whether that's a gerund or a gerundive. I know it's a verbal substantive, but I've always had a problem with that. Oh well, I'm sure someone will tell me. Like Mr Bryan.) Another two images would be of 'boy adoring dog' and another would be of 'two boys in happy mood'. And if you want to see those images, I shall be happy to show you when you next visit Newton.

Mrs C and I have enjoyed a very happy half day today, with a delightful luncheon party chez la grand'mere d'un ex-Newtonien, qui cuit les cookies les mieux du monde and offers her guests a menu of distinction, along with delightful company. On return, we took Isla out for a walk - and got utterly soaked in the process. A fine trio we looked, Mrs C, Isla and I, sheltering under a fir tree. Still, it could have been worse, and we returned to settle down to a 'nice' cup of tea (have you ever had a 'horrid' one?) and a rather boring edition of that celebrated television programme for those of advanced years, 'Escape to the Country'. I then did more piano practice than I usually do, and, following convos on the phone with friends who follow these jocular jottings, we continued to idle our time away by getting engrossed in our weekly indulgence, namely 'Holby', which, with the arrival of the new Director of Surgery, Mr Hansen, looks as if it's going to change a little. Yes, I know, I know: I should be ploughing my way through educational tomes in the Bodleian rather than goggling at tripe on the telly - but I'm not as intellectual as Mr Hannah. (Bang goes another invitation to one of his college dinners. Not that I'm jealous or anything, Dr Dean.)

So, yes: the splendid Mr Bryan, who has no difficulty whatsoever in distinguishing his substantives from his particles, has been on duty - and, from what we couldn't hear, it sounds as if all has gone very well. As always.

Goodnight, one and all.

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