Friday 15 October 2010

Good evening, my friends - and the warmest of welcomes to the new Followers that my stats tell me we have, from Israel, no less, and from Poland! How very nice to welcome you, and thank you for reading. With all these pageviews from around the world, I'm beginning to think that our new HM was right when he informed some prospective parents recently that the Newton Blog had become a cult! I find it fascinating to see who's been reading my nocturnal ramblings - and even when! (If I'm feeling particularly sad I can always log on to NFN and then click on the stats tab and see it telling me that I'm reading it ..... Actually, of course, I'm not, at that stage, because obviously I'm reading the stats page.) Anyway, Shalom, sir or madam in Israel, but I'm afraid I don't know the Polish greeting - although if you're still with us tomorrow I promise I'll look it up on Google Translate and incorporate it in tomorrow's post. Although having experienced the, er, 'wisdom' of GT in the past, goodness alone knows what I shall actually be writing, so apologies in advance for that.)

It's been a very calm evening here tonight. Not much of any great import has happened, other than the normal Friday night jollities, such a Jammy Dodgers and Rich Teas, although there was a bot of incident concerning the number of each to which residents were entitled. Two of one and one of the other seemed to be the order of the night, so when one of our number arrived in the clubhouse with two of each, there was a 'discussion' about it. I suggested that we didn't really need to get too worked up about one biscuit, whereupon another resident opined that it wasn't 'one' biscuit that was causing the problem, it was 'three'. I countered this clever move by retorting that if the recipient of said biscuits was entitled to three in the first place, and was apprehended with one more, then it was, in fact, one biscuit and not three that was causing the consternation. Crumbs! You have to be so careful here, you know! Anyway, it was all resolved amicably.

As for entertainment, well, that's been limited to a woolly dog with a laughing box inside, that sounds as if it's having total hysterics. Even old Grumpychops himself had to laugh .... ! In fact, the sound was actually quite musical in its way. Bach, perhaps.

Or perhaps not.

Goodnight, all - wherever in the world you may be.

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