Wednesday 16 September 2009

Those games seem to be very popular! We had another good evening, and the boys were on fine form when they came acrosss from a busy and active day.

For those who aren't sure of the evening routine, the boys come over to Lodge at 7.40pm and then, after showering and sorting out their laundry (overseen by Diana and Ruthie - not by me, mummies will be relieved to learn!), they are free to enjoy whatever the attraction of the evening may be. This is followed by teeth-cleaning and then silent reading on/in beds from 8.30- 8.45pm. The boys are very good at reading in silence, and it is very rare indeed for me to have to reprimand anyone for recidivism! (OK, occasionally I do. But only occasionally!)

Morning routine (I know, I'm getting anorakky now) is that at 7.10am Ruthie, Diana go round the dorms first and awaken everyone. At 7.15pm it's my turn and by this time there is room for a certain amount of witty banter. I then position myself in front of Breakfast news in the Common Room and check that hair has been combed. It usually has, because Diana and Ruthie will have made sure of this upstairs. Some boys choose to stay and watch the news; some prefer to get on with the day and after bidding the mutual bidding of a cheery 'Have good day'/Bonne journee', another day begins.

1 comment:

  1. I am heartened to see that Juliet, Fev and Jo have all become Newton groupies (aka "Followers") -- please work out how to personalise those icons. The one mysterious silhouette has become triplets.
