Tuesday 22 September 2009

Gosh! That was a lively evening! I think there must have been something in the water last night, as exuberance seemed to be the theme of the moment! It all started when the remaining Taxi bars were discovered, and it was suggested that in order to claim (or should that be 'to hail'?) one of the said items, the potential claimants should perform an advertisement based on the theme. Need I say more. Even some of those who hitherto have not wished to step into the limelight decided that there was too much at stake to sit on the sidelines. (Comments about mixed metaphors may be harboured privately, particularly by those in the journalistic profession.) I have to say that, really, it was games night, and there were some who thought that such frivolity was pretty futile; achieving nothing except causing considerable irritation when one was trying to outwit another in a game of Connect 4!

Silent reading came as something of a blessed relief and calm was restored. That is until one member of one dorm was asked by another why he always waited until lights-out before he went to the vins.
"Why can't you go before silent reading, then?" And then, of course, as is the Summerfieldian way, everyone else in the dorm had to express an opinion about how, where, when and why vins should be visited. Once they had been becalmed for a second time, I turned off the lights, strode around for ten minutes to ensure that the residents' loquaciousness was no longer being ameliorated and went down to our TV room.

'Warship' was on.

1 comment:

  1. The Grandmother did very nearly disgrace herself - probably the amount of wine consumed during a very roudy Sunday lunch didn't help either!
