Friday 23 October 2009

No doubt you are thinking that I have taken leave of my senses and that the Dorset air is proving too much, as I am writing today's entry about a lodge which is not operative. Well, first, I do assure you that I am fine, and secondly, I'm actually in Oxford until tomorrow night, for logistical reasons, all connected with our own young. I won't trouble you with the details, as they are even more complicated than dealing with laundry baskets.

All I really wanted to do in this brief blogiphication (words with 'ph' in them always look so grown up, I feel) is to thank all of my readers for such terrific support and encouragement. Writing these daily missives is great fun: a good discipline anyway, and it enables me to appreciate just what an amazing job D and I have. Looking after your boys is a real privilege - and they're all lovely.

So, whatever you are doing, and wherever in the world you are, north, south, east or west, thank you for reading - and if you're an SFian, have a great Long Leave.

Now for something chilled and fizzy. And no, I don't mean Diana.

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