Thursday 15 October 2009

As promised, Tom played to his adoring public last night. I took the role of his manager, and after I had informed him at five minute intervals before 8pm how long there was before his solo was to start, I then went downstairs and invited anyone who wanted to hear him play to come upstairs. Of course, as you can imagine, I informed the queueing audience how sensitive musicians are (and I should know!) and how they should be respectful in the presence of a celebrity, I then led them them through to the concert hall. (i.e. Tom's bedroom.)

I wish you could have seen the performance. Not because Tom's performance was first-rate - although it was - (oh come on, there have to be some privileges about being a contributing member of the blogosphere!), but because the sea of adoring and admiring faces was a true joy to behold. And, when the show was over, try as I might to cajole the masses back to their dorms, they were having none of it. Tom, to his great credit, answered all of their questions, telling them about his portfolio of instruments and how he came to achieve what he has done - and, who knows, seeds of future musical accomplishment may well have been sown last night. I hope they were.

My own celebrity status was less spectacular, although no less of a pleasure, as I had the privilege of speaking to many of my blog-followers during match tea, yesterday afternoon. There I was, chatting, greeting, signing autogr ........

Sorry: got a bit carried away there. Ah well, one day.

Jusqu'a demain.

(Oh, by the way, the 'rose bush incident' was christened 'Operation Floribunda'. I still laugh when I think about, even now!)

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