Thursday 8 October 2009

It's not every night that one has the opportunity to speak meaningfully with a woolly Highland cow called Hamish or a beatnik-like lop-eared cuddly white rabbit, but that's how my evening in Newton started. It was indeed an evening of intersting dialogue, and as I made my way around the dorms (my rounds) I was able to enjoy a spirited discussion about sustainable energy, the relative benefits of radio and television, and what makes people fat, to name but three of the topics covered.

The Rich Tea mountain, I discovered, had finally succumbed to total erosion, causing some disappointment to those of a geological inclination and those who just like eating biscuits. Our anxiety was short-lived, however, as we learnt that a Digestive delivery had appeared, manna-like, for all to enjoy! Isla was among those who were delighted by this natural event. I hovered around the area, ensuring that no canine theft or misdemeanours would occur. Stretching my hand surreptitiously towards the overflowing bowl, I was suddenly aware of uxorial eyes piercing my very being. Quickly, (enacting another Basil Fawlty impression) I remonstrated with the dog, informing her that she should not even think of misappropriating any of the bowl's contents. (Well, she is a labrador, and they are supposed to be very, very bright.) I think I got away with it.

I went into Curlew dorm and chatted awhile with anyone who wanted to engage. As I sat on one of the beds and conversed about anything and everything, I suddenly realised that it was time for silent reading. I moved from the bed on which I was sitting, looked back at its occupant - and saw that he was already fast asleep.

Until tomorrow .....

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