Thursday 22 March 2012

My Friends, after what has been a long but thoroughly enjoyable day, I think this will be just a short post to (a) thank you for reading my ramblings every night and (b) to wish you all, wherever you may be, a very Happy Easter.

Most of today has involved playing golf, with one of my very capable tutees, and I have to say that we didn't do at all badly. I don't know our position yet, but we shall discover that in the morning, and if I remember, I will post it here, lest you should be interested.

Mr Lagden had prepared a wonderful lunch in his garden, and I was delighted when I realised that my erstwhile colleague, Mr Bruce McCrae, formerly of this parish, had been invited back for our valedictory Bosfam. If you want to see him pontificating about anything and everything under the sun on YouTube, put Tenneral (his nom d'internet) into the YT search engine, and see what you think. He has literally thousands of followers! His advice on how to make the best gin and tonic in the world is particularly pertinent, but his theological thoughts are worth listening to, too. Controversial, but worth it.

Anyway, there we are: have a great Easter, and a wonderful holiday.

Until next term,


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