Sunday 11 March 2012

Good evening, one and all, not least to our Follower in Vietnam.

Just a quick post tonight, as I have quite a number of e-mails to respond to, and to say that I'm sorry I wasn't around to greet all of you when you returned, as I was required to be at a 5th Years' Parents' Evening, and secondly to say that if your particular LM is under the weather for whatever reason, please pass on lots of love from Mrs C and me. (Yes, Mr Aldred, 'me' is the right pronoun there. Sorry, parents: in-'joke'. We're both members of the English department, you see.)

I hope you all had as good a time as Mrs C and me (tick again): with the sun shining so brilliantly today, it was difficult to do otherwise..

Anyway, more tomorrow, and all is well here.


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