Friday 16 March 2012

Good evening, one and all - and greetings to our Follower in Moldova. I'm ashamed to admit that I don't really know where that is, but it does seem to me that this blog is becoming akin to the old Eurovision Song Contest, so I can only hope that my nightly ramblings score more than the dreaded 'nul points'!

Mrs C and I went to watch the play last night, and it was truly amazing. Mrs Stoop asked me if I would mind writing it up for the magazine, which is rather flattering, and also rather good, because I can write without fear of let or hindrance, as I'll be 130 miles away when the publication comes out! Oh don't worry, I shall say loads of nice things, all of which will be richly deserved. I don't know if you know Ben Elton's great opus. 'We Will Rock You', but if you do, you'll know it's accompanied by the fab music of Queen, whose works Mrs C adores. I couldn't help but think that the intro to one of them was nicked from the intro to that great 60s classic 'Substitute', by The Who, who were my own favoured band in days of old. There was a scene, too, in which the characters sported dark glasses and very long hair and were sitting around doing sweet ........ , which made me think back to those happy days in the dayroom at Kingswood School in the 1960s. Of course, it wasn't entirely like that. Oh no. At least we had joss sticks burning and releasing great wafts of incense. Plus ca change.

It's all been a bit bohemian here tonight, which is topical, because les garcons have been arriving in dribs and drabs because of the play, so there hasn't really been a programme. Well, other than the ones on the telly for the non-players, I mean.

I've had it. Or, for our French friends, je l'ai eu, as my old mate Miles Kington would have said. (His best ever was 'coup de grace'. Lawnmower. Brilliant.)


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