Monday 5 March 2012

Yay! I've reached another milestone! This is post number 470, so just 30 more to go before I reach my goal! So, wherever you may be located around the world - and I was fascinated to see from my stats that while I'm writing this, we have a Follower from the Ukraine tuning in, so greetings to you, sir/madam, and greetings, too, to our Follower in Canada, especially as I don't think your country has featured on my stats page before.

It seems to have been an encouraging day all round, really, not least because when I nipped over to the Tesco Express after supper, just before doing my nightly constitutional around the block, which is part of my daily exercise routine (it's just over a mile), in order to avail myself of an excellent half-price offer on Isla Negra Sauvignon (usually any half-price offer means they can't sell it because it's rubbish), I presented the bottle to the cashier (because if I try the do-it-yourself machine it always goes wrong and then everyone gets cross, which is embarrassing), and the good gentleman enquired of me whether I was over 18. I replied in the affirmative, feeling rather flattered, and he then asked me if I had a Tesco Club Card. I told him that I wasn't old enough. He told me that 'that was quite enough of that', so, like a chastened Newtonian after lights out, my smugness was extinguished and I left Tesco's somewhat deflated.

Which wouldn't have been so bad, except that the bleeper went off as I made my exit, causing the security gentleman to raise his eyebrows as I made a face that only a Newtonian can make when an injustice appears to have been done, but I looked helplessly at the cashier who had just taken £4.99 from me (I told you it was a good offer), who kindly - and swiftly - switched the bleeping thing off, which enabled me to block-walk and think about what I was going to blog-log about.

Whilst watching the News this morning, prior to the LMs' departure, we were watching the News. I did think, though, while watching, of the recent (well, quite recent) advertising campaign that invited elderly people who were afraid of computers to get involved with others who could help and advise. One could send off for a self-help pack, or, guess what, one could log on to www. ..... !!

Shoe-cleaning of black shoes took place tonight, and there were three worthy winners, and the refreshment was pink wafers and digestives, and apple juice. I tried to convince one self-confessed non-cheese eater that if he combined cheese with a digestive biscuit he would enjoy it. He said he wouldn't. I invited him and his mates to come into our kitchen and try it, but he still declined, which left the tasting to others, who seemed to like the combination I recall from camping holidays of my early youth - and my solo trip around Denmark in the MG when I ran out of funds. (It was 1975, and I was only allowed to take £50 in the first place! Remember those days .... ? Oh, no: of course, you wouldn't. I tend to forget ...... !)


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