Monday 6 February 2012

You know how you sometimes have 'rubbish' days? Well, today's been one of those - culminating with your correspondent getting seriously annoyed with the members of one particular dorm who simply cannot, it seems, understand that they need to keep quiet after lights out, and before lights on. Unusual for me to get quite so wound up, but I think the message may - just - have got through that I am very - and I mean very - displeased. To their credit, a number of them came up to me during shoe-cleaning and told me that they were very sorry; further testimony to the fact that they realised they'd gone a couple of steps - or two, in some cases three, and in a couple of cases four - too far. Yes, I was cross. Very. I accepted their various apologies, but told them that I hoped that they were sincere.

As for shoe-cleaning, that was fine, and all went well. Mrs C and Miss Lade managed to maintain the equilibrium, and there were four worthy winners.

Not sure I feel like writing too much more tonight, because - well, just because. They'd better not talk.


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