Friday 24 February 2012

I remembered - well, actually, the narrator remembered the joke. It goes thus:

Why did the scarecrow win a top scholarship?

And now you'll have to wait until you reach the end of this post to find out.

Tonight was the night of the junior debates, and three Newtonians managed to acquit themselves most laudably, speaking on the matter of whether we worry too much about what we eat. It was suggested that it was more appealing to enjoy a short life but a merry one, rather than a long and boring one, which seemed to drum up quite a bit of support. I always tell the boys that the only reason I go to a debate is to see how much worse it can be than the last one I attended, and that I'm rarely disappointed, which they all think is far too harsh a comment (and no doubt so do you, but you need to be there), but I have to confess that tonight I was totally wrong, for the speeches were excellent, and there was little, if any, attention-seeking among the speakers from the floor.

The only negative outcome from the festivities in Macmillan was that Team Newton raced back to lodge, screaming and chanting, as boys are wont to do after such happenings. Their excitement was extinguished by a bellowing lodgemeister, who sent them packing back to the Bolton door. This exercise was executed no less than thrice, and it was your correspondent who had l'oeuf sur le visage, as he suddenly realised that Mrs Bryan's parents, who were visiting their daughter and family, were observing proceedings with more than faint amusement.

Hot choc and digestives, as well as fruit by the mingi, as they say in Swahili, was offered as tonight's refreshment, and once everyone had calmed down from the thrill of the debate, we had a lovely evening, with games of all kinds being played in the DCR. They had all been lovingly set out by Miss Lade, and were all ready for use when the LMs arrived.

So there we are. Another day is done.

OK, you're getting excited now.

I'll tell you the punchline.

Remember the question? (Scroll back up if not.)


Because he was outstanding in his field.

I told you it was good.


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