Sunday 26 February 2012

So there we are, then. Another Sunday has come and gone, with Mr Ives giving an excellent maiden sermon and then plenty of things happening throughout the day, including Mrs C's treasure hunt, which proved to be particularly popular. The piano concert was excellent, as those of you who were there will know, and pianists of all ability levels displaying their virtuosity. I was treated to another performance of the Chopin Nocturne tonight, to which I responded with my own rendition of his waltz in A minor which seemed to go down well. I'm resurrecting a number of Chopin pieces at the moment, so to hear someone of such tender years playing so superbly has been a major motivation for me. Scary, though, and not a little disquieting, to recall that I could play through the whole of Beethoven's Pathetique Sonata when I was in my final year at school. Oh well, that's something to work at next year .... !

Now. I've had a complaint. Not from any one of you, my dear global Followers, but from one of my esteemed colleagues: one who looks after boys of a similar age group to those who reside in Newton. It seems that he is unimpressed by the recent sporadic nature of my recent posts, as he is, it seems, an ardent follower of my literary efforts. So this, I hope, will arrive cyberspatially over in the turret, in the form of an apology for my inexcusable tardiness. Of course, I wouldn't dream of mentioning any names ....... As for the literary qualities of this particular paragraph, well, I think there's an excellent English teaching post available.

Countryfile (which I have just tried to type correctly three times) (so perhaps I'll forget about the English job) formed the bulk of the televisual entertainment tonight, which was appproriately combined with consumption of the produce of the orchard and the grove, and Top Gear would have done so, too, but as 'we' woke up rather earlier than 'we' should have done this morning, so 'we' all went to bed a tad earlier than 'we' might otherwise have done.

H'm. 'Produce of the orchard and the grove.' Let me see now .......

Dear Headmaster,

I have seen that you have a good job advertised and I am one of those what could do it. I can do parts of speach and stuff, so I wood be just what you need.

Er, no. Perhaps not.


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