Sunday 5 February 2012

Greetings, one and all - especially to those of you reading this in Latvia and China, as my stats tell me that you are! I don't think we've had anyone from China before, so especial greetings to you, sir/madam.

The snow has offered opportunities for many today, and the ubiqitous Mrs Hilder, as duty person this morning, arranged a massive inter-league snow-base building competition, which seemed to work very well and was much enjoyed by all who participated.

Lunch was a full-blown, 'proper' Sunday roast, and was superb, imho. I saw all Newtonians tucking in comprehensively, and enjoying all that was on offer.

Mrs C was one of the duty people this afternoon, with Mr Computer-Price, and it was good to receive reports of sensible behaviour and boys having plenty of fun.

Chapel consisted of an illustrated talk (illustrated with music and commentary, I mean, not by slides) about how the service of Evensong came about, and incorporated (that's a nightmare word to type - try it and see) the Chaplain wearing his Cambridge MA hood as it would have been worn by the monks originally. Before the service I told him that the history of fur on academic hoods was that the more lowly qualified one was in those early days, the further away from the fire in the Great Hall one had to sit, so if you were a mere Bachelor of Wot'eva, you'd have a hood with a whole load of fur because you were miles away from the heat, and the Doctors of Stuff would need none at all, and be all up close and personal. I told one of my 5th Year classes this fascinating information once, and one of the boys rejoined with, 'Oh. So you mean, the thicker you are, the more furry your hood is.' I suggested that that wasn't quite how I'd put it (thinking of my own), but I could see what he was getting at. (I do have another two that don't have any fur at all, so I didn't feel too bad.)

Top Gear was good tonight, with the presenters in China with Stig's Chinese cousin, testing Chinese cars, which, on the whole acquitted themselves pretty well, and apple juice, fruit and Kit-Kats all helped to make for a pleasant evening.

That's it for tonight, so -


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