Wednesday 8 February 2012

Gosh. What a miserable and cantankerous old so and so I must have seemed when I wrote that last post. Well, I'm pleased to report that things have improved meggaly since then, and we've just had a lovely evening. I told the troops that tonight was to be 'soap and shampoo night', and, to a man, they all heeded my exhortation. I did, in fact, tell them that I expected the whole lodge to smell like the rose garden of the Palace of Versailles, although it was, perhaps, just a tad humiliating to be informed by a quasi-resident of the country in which said palace is located that 'the place smells mank in winter, sir'. You'll be pleased to learn that there was nothing 'mank' about the fragrance of this place, however, and my classics teacher, God rest Mr Dakin's soul, would have been impressed. He was a fascinating man, in fact, because he'd been part of the Bletchley Park code-breaking team (as had Mrs C's uncle, Sir Bernard Lovell), although he never spoke of it. Our other beak, Mr Gardner, was the private tutor to the son of Haile Selasse and that particular royal family's personal friend, so that was interesting, too.

It's been a busy old day, with much happening, although the cancellation of the matches was a disappointment to many. Considering that, the LMs have been very good tonight, with a particularly enjoyable curry at supper time, followed by a most agreeable verre de vin with my friends Messrs Edwards (former tutee), Music-Price and Computer-Price, at Mr Edwards' place.

Ha! Two for the Price of one! (Actually, it was quite a price, because it was une bouteille de Meursault. And jolly nice it was, too - accompanied by exquisitely-fried duck's gizzards, which probably sounds much better in its translated form.)

By the way, I received notification from Monash University, who were generous enough to grant me a research fellowship three years ago, that I am officially a 'professorial fellow'! I've hesitated before rushing down to the printer's to change the letterhead .... ! How pompous is that?! Ah well, if you see me sporting a fine professorial gown with gold braid and a whole load of furry trappings, you'll know it's just the Newton Blogger showing off. (Again.)


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