Monday 16 January 2012

Staff meeting this morning, with a very buoyant HM, still walking on air abouhe trouncing we gave Papplewick on Saturday. Other than that, the day has been a fairly typical Monday, really, culminating with the highlight of the week, namely double Latin with my 5th Year set, for the last two lessons. By the time we'd considered present participles, purpose clauses and what I always think is a double negative, negative prohibitions (I mean, can you have a prohibition that isn't negative? If so, what would a positive prohibition be? Something trendy, I expect, as we're all expected to be positive these days. Oh, and we should always substitute the word 'but' with 'and'. 'But' is too negative), we were ready for supper. There's only so much I can tell you about sausage plait and mashed potato. (or cheesy pasta.) The salad bar was good, though, and the puddings were excellent. Rather like the soup at lunchtime, which, accompanied by the daily croutons, was outstanding, imho.

'twas shoe-cleaning night tonight, and four fortunate winners were edibly rewarded. (As it were.) No snacks as such, it being a Monday, but the fruit bowl offered much fructological sustenance. (No idea whether that word exists, but it has a Latin root, so it should if it doesn't.)

Silent reading came and went, although there were moments when that seemed to be something of a misnomer, but on the whole, it went well.

So there we are. A normal Monday, with the usual programme, and a pleasant, if unexciting evening in lodge. Mr Bryan will be at the helm tomorrow, so no post, but I'll be back on Wednesday. Until then,


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