Sunday 15 January 2012

Alarming, the way the term is already speeding up! The first Sunday of term has come and gone, with a Communion service this morning and many and various activities (incorporating a 'social' for the Fifth Years with Tudor Hall, which seems to have proved very popular ... ) have been much appreciated. I disappeared from our school chapel's organ stool two minutes before 10.30am, leaving Mr Price to play the final hymn, while I sprinted round to the United Church in Summertown, where I was this morning's worship leader. I got there one minute late, but no-one seemed to mind, so all was well.

Tonight's Newtonian programme has included the consumption of a most delicious, home-made birthday cake, which was superb, and some wonderful cookies, which were equally scrummy. (Although there was just the miniest of hoo-has about that, because in order to ensure that Sunday night laundry is dealt with as efficiently as possible, miscreants (and I would certainly have been one of them at the same age) who failed to deposit their garments in the right bins were, as a notice in my school's music department read, 'debarred from the facilities that were otherwise available'. I always thought that was a little daft, because if you were DE-barred, then that surely meant that you were freed from the original barring. Still, I never had the nerve to say that to Mr Barker, as it were, so to speak, through there, possibly because there were other types of 'barring' to enjoy in the environs of the city of Bath .....

Hot choc and 'Herbie' on BBC 3 completed the package, and that all seemed to go down well, as did the fruit mountain.

Enough for a Sunday night, methinks, so until tomorrow night,


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