Wednesday 18 January 2012

Good evening once again, and welcome to post number 446! The old 450 mark is fast approaching, and then there'll be just 50 more to go until my target is reached, and some kind literary agent decides that this whole work is just what publishers want and then you'll all have your copies for posterity. Yeah, right. The only way anything like that is going to happen is if you have the time or inclination to print them all out .... ! And then there'd be the issue (!) of reversing the order, so I suspect that the work will remain cyberspatial for evermore.

The television in the DCR caused problems this morning, which meant that we were unable to watch the BBC News, which, in itself wasn't too much of a thing, but the knock-on effect could have been that we had no telly tonight, which would not have been good. Now I'm sure all you dads out there have infinite patience and benorsic skill when it comes to things technological, but, not wishing to put too fine a point on it, I, dear readers, am not. Indeed, nothing drives me more insane and/or petulant, and the air around me becomes positively blue. (I'm told.) (No, I know you can't believe it.) Anyway, just before Mrs C was about to phone for an ambulance to take me to the nearest stroke unit, I had a brainwave - which was rather better than the alternative. If I switched everything off and unplugged the lot, then replugged and switched on again, things might rectify themselves. It usually works in Dorset, although you have to put more logs on the burner first, of course. To my amazement, they did. All was well by the time the LMs arrived, and so we were able to watch Messrs Clarkson, Hammond and May designing and then driving their own motorhomes. All such viewing was accompanied by the gulping of hot choc and the chomping of fruit.

Matches today all went well on the whole, with some fine results. My own team (the 6th XV, for whom I was acting as temporary manager) won 40 - 0, so we came away very happy, as I know did many other teams. Many Newtonians performed splendidly, and I'm sure you will hear all about that on other channels, so I won't dwell on them here.

Tomorrow is biscuit upgrade day in the HMDr, as you will know by now, so let's hope the trend that started last week with excellent cookies will continue. The coffee's good, too. Real and delicious. Out of a pot. As it should be.


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