Thursday 3 February 2011

What a night to be off duty. Doughnuts (yes, I'm afraid I still spell it the old-fashioned way) all round and, apparently, according to a text from my deputy, Mr Porter, the most wonderful birthday scenes of contented LMs chomping away on their KKDs. He generously invited me to put the photos on the blog, but sadly I declined, as my own self-imposed rules include no names and no photos because - well, you know all that stuff. But nevertheless, generous thanks are due to our benefactors, and I know that the rezzies will have greatly appreciated such kindness.

But wait, dear Followers: I have great tidings of joy to tell! The Thursday morning biscuit upgrade has happened - and, not only that, guess what the upgrade consists of ....! Those delicious shortbread biscuits that we all enjoy at parents' meetings, while trying to make sense of the Orders sheets and what Mr X has written about Johnny and discovering that Johnny is actually taught by Mr Y but Mr X's comment seems so much more apposite. So, further thanks are due, this time to Our Leader, who, as you know, is one of my most ardent followers, for his kind attention.

I must tell you about a greeting I received this morning, while seeing the troops out. Dualogue as follows:

"Good morning, B****, how are you?"

A brief pause occurred before the response, delivered in a - erm, 'other-than-English' accent,

"Well - nothing much happened last night, so not much to tell, really."

As Our Leader would say (or rather, type - internet permitting), 'Another LOL.'

On which note I will cease. Probably wisely.

Goodnight. Or perhaps that should be Spa-koy nee no chi.

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