Friday 11 February 2011

Gosh, that was a really boring post last night, was it not? Trouble is, I'm not really very good at writing about that at which I was not present and therefore of which I have no understanding. Student lectures seem a very long time ago now. Dr Oxley, forgive me. Oh well, at least he taught me about Anthony Trollope and the pillar box. He had a great line to us impressionable, anxious-looking 19-year-olds: "Cheer up, for goodness' sake: you'll soon be dead." He had a very broad Yorkshire accent, and a Ph D in English lit, and it was he who asked me 'Well, Cheater, d'y lark poytrair?" I replied that indeed I did, and he thereupon asked me to recite chunks of Alexander Porp. I suppose I must have vaguely impressed, but don't ask me about Porp's poytrair now.

It's been a really fun evening tonight. It all started with the carrots, you see: that's the catering department's latest wheeze. Only thing they haven't thought about is just how many boys will be seeing whether they really can see in the dark as a result of consuming said vegetable.

It seems that Miss Alex is into relaxation and meditation and the like, as I was asked if I would lie on my back with my eyes closed, with my arms in the air. Acquiescent being that I am, I acquiesced. I gently lowered my arms to the floor, much to the amuse/amazement of the onlookers, and discovered that yes, indeed, it did seem as if my arms went throught the floor. If you have nothing better to do tonight, try it. Oh go on.

And then to round off the evening, we had a very joyous rendition of the Silent Reading song. It consists of two lines of 'Silent Reading', and then a volunteer does an improvised verse for four or more bars, and then we all join in with the refrain of 'Silent Reading'. If you want to live life Newton style, the chord sequence is G major, G major 1st inversion, G major, G major 1st inversion, C major, D major suspended, D7, back to G major. You could give that a whirl, too.

The model railway continues apace, and on Wednesday we plan to have our official re-launch. More details to follow, but much clearing is going on, and we are hoping to invite a special guest to cut the ribbon.

And now we're going to have a fire alarm. Yippee!


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