Friday 4 February 2011

I sometimes think, when I look back through the ever-escalating posts, that my typing is akin to that of those responsible for The Grauniad newspaper in the 1970s. Not that I often read that particular journal, but when I do, it seems that things have improved considerably since my lefty student days. As Mr Lapwood would have it, 'Ill return to that theme later on'. (He never does, by the way: have you noticed that?)

I expect you're longing to know whether the LMs watched The Match - or, of course, as the late, great Miles Kington (in whose flat I stayed once, btw) would have put it, L'Allumette. Well, yes. We gave special dispensation, in partnership with our twinned lodge, Upper House, for the rezzies to return at 7.15pm, to make their beds (following mega laundry this morning), and then sit, glued to the screen until 8.30. Bourbons and fruit formed the refreshments, as well as the now-popular orange segments. I must say that it seemed a very well-fought contest, and of course, everyone is eager to know the outcome. I was most impressed by the patriotism of the English rezzies, all of whom stood to attention while the National Anthem was played, and I was sympathetic to those from France and Russia, who observed such fervour with dignity and bemusement. Our one Welsh supporter also stood to attention as the orchestra played for that particular country's National Anthem - and tempting though it is to go for a cheap laugh at this point, I will refrain.

Back to student issues. I was amused to read my son and heir's latest Facebook post from SOAS, opining somewhat forcibly about his loathing for transitive and intransitive verbs. (Bad enough in English, let alone in Japanese.) You can, perhaps, imagine the invective that was employed - but such terminology is not for this blog. I was sympathetic, of course, and sent a text back, telling him that I was interested to note that the verb he had used gerundively could be used both transitively and intransitively. No response as yet.

As for Newton, well, the lights have all gone off (deliberately; there isn't another power-cut), they're all rejoicing that the school's internet is back on again, and silence reigns.

Until tomorrow night, then,

Goodnight. (And by the way, the weird phonetics from last night were meant to represent Russian. As some of you will know.)

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