Thursday 17 February 2011

Thank heavens for one's children. I know all of you, dear Followers, think that every minute of every day, as indeed do Mrs C and I, but tonight, for reasons that I will explain, such sentiments seem all the more sincere.

Our dear, wonderful, ancient tabby, Jasmine, about whom you've heard from time to time, had to be put down. About a week ago she started displaying signs that all was not well, and tempting though it was to stick one's head into the sand about it all, it reached the stage where I had to take her to the vet.

Tonight I did so, in the knowledge that the outcome might not be a happy one, and, with the help of a very sensitive and kind vette, we concluded that there was really only one option. So, sadly, Hannah and I said goodbye to her and watched her pass swiftly and peacefully away.

She's been a lovely companion since we collected her from the Oxford Animal Sanctuary, all those years ago: timid and not keen on those she didn't know, but affectionate to a fault to those that she did.

It's always easy to become horribly emotional about such things, but I shall miss her plaintive miaows outside our bedroom door at 6.30 every morning, or coming to sit on the arm of the sofa during Casulaty or Holby, (funny, she never did laps, really, but she liked the close company), or running from the other side of the garden when she saw us sitting on one of the benches and sitting between us.

So yes, she was a lovely cat, and she will be much missed.

As for my reference to our children, both Hannah and Tom, who are on reading weeks, have been amazing, jollying their dad along and helping to stop the tears from falling. I'm sure that not every 20-year-old puts his arms around his dad and talks in tones that would do justice to an experienced schoolmaster counselling a Newtonian.

With Long Leave starting tomorrow, may I offer a word of counsel? Enjoy every moment with your young: they are, truly, our most precious possessions.


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