Monday 14 February 2011

Lithuania and Poland: those are the countries wherein our newest Followers are reading this blog, so welcome, my friends, and I wish you well. As I wish those in Georgia, Oman and Moscow fond greetings, too. It's amazing, you know, to think that I'm 'broadcasting' around the globe! A bit scary, in fact - although I haven't heard from Mr May, so I don't think my invitation to perform Chopin Valses on Top Gear will be forthcoming in the near future. And anyway, I don't think the likes of Messrs Clarkson, Hammond and May would really want to 'do' Chopin. Well, May might, of course. As for the other two, I suspect that their idea of melodious sound is that which emanates from the exhaust pipe of a Fezza. Or a 'Mazza'. Or an Aston, of course, which is the only car worth bothering about. The noise from that particular rear end, imho, can indeed do battle almost successfully with 'The Silver Swan', or Shostakovich's Piano Concerto.

Tonight, while our two beautiful daughters have returned to Bristol and Dorset respectively, Tom C has been here, and has assisted with tonight's duty by judging the shoe-polishing comp and playing various games with the troops. He seemed immensely flattered that your offspring should wish to address him as 'sir', which is a credit to you, my people. As for the game of 'Twister' that was going on in the Clubhouse, well, that was a sight for sore eyes. Fortunately for me, said parts of my anatomy, to which I referred earlier in the week, have made a splendid recovery. Being the generous dad that I am, of course, I offered to buy my son and heir a drink and supper in the staff room annex (Joe's) prior to taking up my position in the lodge, but the trouble with that these days is that if an old codger walks into a place like that with a 19-year-old student, despite the fact that some of the clients are clearly not with their spice, one does get some rather quizzical looks.

'How are things with YOUR GIRLFRIEND?' I enquired.

'I mustn't be late back to lodge, otherwise YOUR MOTHER will be holding the fort on her own'.

Etc. It didn't help that my dear son opted for a banana dacquiri (or something) with a couple of straws, a slice of lime and a mini parasol sticking out of it. As for the wild mushrooom risotto ....

He's currently skyping his stunningly beautiful girlfriend, incidentally, it being what our students call 'reading week'.

Time to go.

Goodnight, all.

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