Wednesday 1 December 2010

Evening all, and special greetings to our new Follower in Croatia! Welcome aboard.

My word, that was a pathetic post last night, was it not? I re-read it and thought about how disappointed you must have been. My apologies, but I suspect that fatigue was kicking in for the first time this term. Either that, or the pratfall I sustained on Monday evening had had a delayed effect! (And if you re-read Monday's post, you'll see that I was behaving in a manner akin to one B Fawlty, after he, too, had sustained a knock to the head. YouTube will show you what I mean. Put something like Fawlty Towers, Germans, knock on head, or some such into the search engine.)

Anyway, I'm back on a roll now, first because I can smile smugly to myself about the fact that I've written all my subject reports, and met every deadline there is, and secondly because I heard today that I've been accepted as a trainee Associated Board examiner. I'm delighted, of course, and now all I have to do is get through the training ... !

Tonight was a lovely time here in Newton: the rezzies had the option of watching football in the Clubhouse, or, as six of your LMs chose, watching Jimmy's Food Factory in our snug. It was a wonderful sight, with Isla in the thick of things, as usual, lying enjoying her own personal utopia on the floor.

Lots of fruit, quantities of jammy dodgers and hot chocolate all contributed to what has been a perfect Newtonian evening.

Now: let's see who gets thrown out of Lord Sugar's empire.

Goodnight, wherever you may be.

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