Sunday 12 December 2010

My friends, we are still going. Adrenalin has kicked in big time, and after a day like today, it needed to.

The day started early enough, with choir practice after a very rushed breakfast, and then into a heavily-musically-laced School Eucharist in which the Rev Dr Canon Bunch (former parent) preached a most excellent (theological, thank the Lord - we get all too few of those) sermon on Mary.

Out of the Eucharist and on to secret preparations for the staff entertainment after the annual 'Bombers and Fighters': something that even those of us who've been here for ages don't understand, with its tails, bottle tops and corks; but suffice for me to say here that it's really a massive - and I mean massive - wide game. The boys are given all instructions in Macmillan before setting out, and by the time they're let loose, well, little angels they aren't!

An hour of that sufficed, with all boys and every member of staff involved in various ways, then back to showers and on to what was, ostensibly, a lecture on Nuneham House, given by our own Mr Hannah. Of course, it was nothing of the kind, but the boys were completely taken in, and Mr Hannah played along beautifully for ten minutes - after which he pretended to ring Mr Bishop on his mobile and ask permission to abandon the lecture.

The staff revue kicked in, and acts of all kinds took to the stage. For my part, I accompanied Dr Dean in a Schubert song, re-enacted a spoof tutorial session with Mr Edwards when he was a tutee of mine at Papplewick, which most seemed to find amusing (i.e.: it got a big cheer), I sang one of my own Elton John soundalikes called 'Moment of Love', which seemed to go down well (indeed, I've been asked for a recording of it several times), and then accompanied Mr Lagden, who was pretending to be Matt Candle or someone from X-Factor in a rendition of 'Your Song' by Elton John.

Thence to supper, and then on to Newton for the lodge party, which consisted of party games like charades (which they loved), Pictionary (which they also loved) and the Chocolate Game (which they adored.) Food a-plenty, like sausage rolls, crisps of all kinds, sausages, drink of various flavours, and, thanks to the fact that one of our number has been celebrating his birthday today, a delicious birthday cake shared by all.

X Factor was going on at the same time, which some opted to see, and then back into our drawing room for half an hour of singing carols and Christmas songs.

As I type, Mrs C is busily clearing the kitchen, so I mustn't be too much longer as my servcies will be required, but it's been a great day in every way.

For now, though, I am completely 'mother-of-pearled' (translate into French and you'll get my drift) and ready to get a few hours' kip before starting bright and early tomorrow.

Goodnight, one and all.

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