Tuesday 7 December 2010

Yoghurt. Yes, that's right, yoghurt. You wouldn't think, would you, that there would be much to say about the stuff, especially on a blog that reports on the modus vivendi of 24 boys (actually, that should probably be in the plural, but let's leave that to Mr Bryan, who's just the other side of the wall as I write), so let me explain.

Tuesdays are our half days. Today's day of leisure has involved writing and checking reports, taking the Junior Choir to Age Concern, dealing with this and that, and so forth and so forth. Such is the nature of half days at the end of term. Mrs C and I did, however, manage a quick snacky lunch together, prior to our Junior Choir gig, and is was then that yoghurt featured.

My dear wife, imagining (correctly) that lunch would be no more than a few minutes long, or rather, short, dived inte Tesco's across the road and did a supermarket dash, placing various items of magisterial fodder into the trolley, including the yoghurt, on about which I am banging. (Winston would be proud of me.)

Having chomped my way through une poitrine de poulet and a baked potato, with various tescoin accoutrements, we made our way to the second course, which consisted of the aforementioned yoghurt, which confused us completely.

'Fine West Country Yoghurt', it said on the lid. Great, we thought. Just right for the Thomas Hardy peasants we are. I looked again. 'Scottish Raspberry Yoghurt', was what was inscribed on the side of the tub. H'm. You see the problem. Best Scottish West Country Yoghurt. Now how do you deal with that? Och arr, that be real noice yogurrt, bain't it, the noo' ?

But to the nub. You now want to know how it tasted, I'm sure. Well, Mrs C described it as 'thick but lovely'.

And so saying, I went and wrote a couple more reports.

As for Holby, well, another fine episode, we thought. At long last Fay's had that baby, but how I wish Joseph wasn't so feckless. He really should make up his mind. And how I enjoy Mr Hansen's satirical comments. Did you not enjoy 'Now, I know little about how an xxx machine works, but I would imagine that it works best when attached to a patient'? As my boss would put it, I LOL'd.

That's it for tonight. Thanks for reading - as ever.


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