Tuesday 14 December 2010

So here we are, then, on the eve of the end of a long, active and thoroughly enjoyable Michaelmas term, limping, as the HM put it in assembly this morning, across the finish line. We're squeezing the very last drops of adrenalin from our bodies, and, with luck, we'll make it to tomorrow.

Tonight in Newton we started packing this morning, over at school, with locker and form room tidying. Lunch was an interesting affair, more a sort of picnic in New Room, as the juniors were having their Christmas lunch in the dining room; then on to choir practice for some of us, followed by games, followed by 'serious' preparations for packing. Tonight we all left Newton at 6.53pm, as instructed on Mr Bishop's end of term timetable and made our way to the dining room for a first class Christmas dinner. Your boys did you proud, as they always do, and a jolly time was had by all.

Back here for the business of packing everything else into cases, and then a sad and emotional farewell to Miss Chloe, who's going back to Australia very soon, took place in the common room, and we told her - and showed her - just how much we had appreciated her being with us. Not every gapper matron always gets the right mix between being the matron of the lodge and the 'elder sister' figure, but Chloe certainly has done, and through the Newton blog, on your behalf if I may, I'd like to thank her for all she has done for the lodge.

Our final stop was someone's birthday, when we sang Happy Birthday and consumed a delicious cake between us - for which further thanks are due.

I hear that some of you are so worn out by reading these end of term posts that you are convinced that I'm 'on somethng'! Well, it's no more than Ventolin, Seretide (strong and not so strong, depending on the situation), Nurofen, Ibuprofen and Paracetamol - and whatever that particular cocktail of potions may do, it's worked, and I'm still going. Limping, but still going.

And so to the Carol Service. If I catch your eye from the organ loft, give me a discrete wave - or something. Thank you all so much for reading these jottings every night, and if I don't see you tomorrow, have a wonderful Christmas break - wherever you may be going.

Goonight, my friends.

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