Sunday 7 March 2010

You would not believe the 'issues' I've had, trying to log on to this blog tonight! I will bore you with all the grisly details, save to say that a complete re-start of this wretched machine was required, concurrent with a 'discussion' with younger daughter about who the previous user was ... ! I blame Facebook. And iTunes. And anything else I don't understand.

Sunday evenings are always interesting, and tonight was no exception. Pursuant to the Chaplain's sermon about teddies, I was introduced to a selection of said genus, and given each one's life history. I heard all about how one particular teddy was provided by the ambulance service in 2000, following the consumption of rat poison by its owner at the age of one, and this set the tone for the rest of the night. Others seemed to be possessed of equally colourful histories.

There was plenty of laundry that needed to be handed in, and I was entertained by one resident, who enquired of me, in front of his mother, where his cords might be. The mother in question was overtaken by hysterical mirth that such a question might receive anything vaguely resembling a sensible answer from me, of all people, and practically fell into the fruit basket. I told him that they were 'somewhere down there', which was as near as I could get to anything helpul, as I could see a laundry basket full of what looked like cords halfway down the corridor.

And just to round off this evening's report, I will remain with the clothing theme. One of the residents noticed that my pullover was not in the best state of repair.

"Sir, did you know that there's a hole in your sleeve?"

"Yes, thank you, I did. It's very old, but I love it."

Need I say more ..... ?!

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